Thursday, December 23rd, 2010
the end of yet another semester.
so i am sitting here at home and i realize i’m halfway through junior year. which is terrifying. only a year and a half left. wow. it’s crazy how fast the past few years have gone by. this semester went by faster than ever though. it’s no surprise though; i was so busy all the time. it really was a great semester (now that i am done with it). i learned so much– and i am not just saying that because i am writing for the school.
this semester gave me a lot of insight into what i am going to be doing over the next year and a half and hopefully what i will be doing when i graduate. however, i still haven’t decided what i would like to do when i do graduate. i mean, it’s hard to decide when i have only had one semester of graphic design classes. we’ve done so many different types of projects this year; my head is spinning with all the options. logo design & corporate identity, movie posters, book design, packaging design, typography, web design (i haven’t even had that class yet)… the opportunities seem endless. at the moment, i think i really like logos and print design. packaging too. but who knows? i could take web design this summer and fall in love with writing code! haha
i am excited for next semester! but i am definitely going to be cherishing this break. i hope everyone has a great holiday! see you next year! 😀