Author Archive


i am currently a sophomore at suffolk university's new england school of art and design. i am obsessed with speaking spanish. i love trying new foods and learning about different cultures. i'm a bit of a treehugger. i'm a vegetarian and i love to cook. shopping is one of my favorite activities. i'd like to travel to every continent, at least once. madrid is my second home.

Saturday, April 30th, 2011

alternative winter break

so the planning sessions have began for this year’s (well technically next year’s) trip to el salvador. if you haven’t seen my previous post about this, i am going to be the student trip leader for the 2012 alternative winter break trip to el salvador. we are going to be spending a few days in […]

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

photo session with molly

my job at the new england school of art and design has given me a lot of opportunities. for those of you are looking at the school now, you will see me (along with some other great people) featured in the new viewbook! it’s kind of a strange thought. my face…in a book. strange people […]

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011


up here in beantown (that’s one of boston’s nicknames for those of you who don’t know), we were lucky enough to have amazing weather for easter this year. it was kind of a surprise because these past few weeks of april weather have been rather uninspiring. but sunday was the perfect day to celebrate the […]

Sunday, April 24th, 2011

crunch time

seeing that i have been doing homework for the past six hours or so, i’d say that it’s that time of year again. one more week of classes and then finals week… oh yea, it’s definitely that time of year. it really hasn’t quite hit me that the semester is almost over. the weather isn’t […]

Thursday, April 14th, 2011

luba lukova

yesterday i was lucky enough to discover from my computer typography teacher that the designer luba lukova was going to be giving a lecture today at the boston public library. there’s a poster that’s been hanging up in the hallway by the printers for the past few days about it. i looked at it, but […]

Monday, April 11th, 2011

s.o.u.l.s fourteenth annual service day

this past friday was suffolk university’s community services office’s 14th annual day of service. S.O.U.L.S., or suffolk’s organization for uplifting lives through service, is my second home after the new england school of art and design. we got a good half of my alternative spring break trip to go with us. 🙂 my group went […]

Friday, April 8th, 2011

el salvador

for my spanish class this semester, we have to give two presentations to the class. my first one was about sor juana ines de la cruz, a mexican nun from the colonial days. she’s actually a very interesting person. she challenged accepted catholic ideals as a young nun. pretty impressive i’d say. now i have […]

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

beverage packaging

in my computer type class we were assigned to create a beverage company and create the packaging for it. that required us to choose our beverage, find an existing bottle that we liked, and decide on the name, colors and logo of the drink. we could pretty much do anything. i decided i wanted to […]

Friday, March 25th, 2011

athens, georgia part 2

unfortunately, i really can’t accurately describe my trip down to athens. it’s one of those experiences which you have to experience to fully understand. i can give you some general details though, which will hopefully give you a good idea of what an incredible time i had while i was down there. i’ll start off […]

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

athens, georgia

since i am still processing all that happened in ga, i’m  going to give yall a few photos to give you a preview. all i can say right now is that i was right. it was incredible.

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