Tuesday, April 26th, 2011...11:43 pm

photo session with molly

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my job at the new england school of art and design has given me a lot of opportunities. for those of you are looking at the school now, you will see me (along with some other great people) featured in the new viewbook! it’s kind of a strange thought. my face…in a book. strange people seeing my face in that book. i am not quite sure if i like the idea, but it’s kind of cool!

molly and i had a photo shoot last week for the booklet. i had to pose with my computer and a bunch of “notes”. i am so used to being behind the camera. i love taking photos of other people, but i rarely am the subject of photos. i am not particularly photogenic like some people who can always take a beautiful picture. while molly was taking pictures, i tried to be as natural as possible. whether or not that’s going to help me on the photogenic side, i have no idea, but hopefully a great photo will come out of it! if this booklet is going to be sent all over the country (the world even?), i just don’t want to look awkward. haha

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