i don’t know if i have mentioned this before, but i applied to participate in alternative spring break (asb) this year. for those of you that don’t know, alternative spring break is when you spend your spring break in march doing volunteer work rather than go on a regular vacation at home or some where more tropical…
i have always wanted to participate in alternative spring break. actually, i have always really wanted to go on a volunteer trip. i have done a lot of volunteer work, but it has been from the comfort of my hometown. i have never really done anything hands on. since last year i had a fun spring break, i knew that this year was the year to start going on asb.
i applied a few weeks ago. the application just included a short essay, a few questions about myself, and some references. normal stuff. today i had my interview.
at first i was a little confused as to why they wanted to interview asb applicants. but then i realized it actually makes a lot of sense. i am under the impression that asb is free (or almost free) so i guess some kids could use it as an excuse to get away without spending money. this is aggravating because asb is really about helping people, spending your time and giving a part of yourself to complete strangers just because you think it’s right. truth be told, i hardly believe that it’s going to be a vacation. i am sure i will have fun, but it’s going to be a really difficult week, physically and emotionally. i really hope i get accepted. i really really really want to do it. hahaha
if i do get chosen (ah! i really hope i do!), i am going to have a really hard time deciding where to go. they are offering four different trips. one to mississippi for hurricane relief with habitat for humanity. one to denver, co to work with child poverty and with habitat as well (fyi: denver has the fastest growing rate of child poverty in the country! i just found that out today. i was shocked!). an environmental aid trip to san francisco. and a lbgt (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual) aid trip to either san francisco or detroit (they haven’t figured out which yet). all of them are going to be really great trips and we’ll be able to make a great impact in each place. i wish that spring break was four weeks long so i could go on everyone!!
well wish me luck everyone. i should find out next week if i am in or not!! i’ll let you know as soon as i do! 🙂