Monday, October 19th, 2009...10:41 pm


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i really love the city of boston. it’s really quaint and full of cute little shops and restaurants. i love the european vibe of it, with all the brick sidewalks and short buildings.

however, it’s definitely not perfect. i have a couple of pet peeves.

1. the weather: crazy wether comes with new england. i’ve grown up with it and i’m used to it, but it doesn’t mean i have to like it all the time. yesterday it snowed. yes, snow in october. i saw on the weather that it has happened before, in the 80’s i believe. but still that is extremely out of the ordinary. tomorrow it’s going to be 60. it’s a bit of a rollercoaster. haha

2. street signs: in madrid, every corner has a street sign. they are nice painted plates that are attached to buildings 10 or 11 feet in the air. you need to know what street your on? it’s almost guaranteed you can find a sign at the next intersection. here, however, there are signs maybe every other street. i actually got lost trying to find my apartment the first time because there was no street sign off of the main road. annoying!!

3. the green line: if i am going to compare boston to madrid again, i am going to have to say the T is pitiful. some lines are decent. i’ve never had a problem with the red and blue lines. but the most bostonians will agree that the green line is the worst. it’s technically trolley, not a train so it’s loud and and a bit jerky. it’s also extremely unreliable, because it’s the busiest and the largest line. i, personally, avoid the T. i prefer to walk. it’s better for me and sometimes i think it actually saves time. boston is really a walking city, so that just makes walking a more obvious choice for me!

ok so here are three things i don’t like about boston. BUT in comparison, there are a million reasons why i love boston! i think i can live with these three annoying things.

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