Author Archive


i am currently a sophomore at suffolk university's new england school of art and design. i am obsessed with speaking spanish. i love trying new foods and learning about different cultures. i'm a bit of a treehugger. i'm a vegetarian and i love to cook. shopping is one of my favorite activities. i'd like to travel to every continent, at least once. madrid is my second home.

Monday, November 14th, 2011

sister peggy and charlie clements

this past week we had a few meetings/classes for my el salvador trip. it was a little stressful to have to go to all the extra classes but it was worth it. we had some great discussions and i learned a lot about el salvador’s history and it’s current issues. the best part of the […]

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

suffolk university open house

last sunday was suffolk’s fall open house. i sat with by boss nichole at the new england school of art and design table and got opportunity to talk to a bunch of perspective students about their interest in art and nesad. this is the second time this semester that i’ve had this opportunity (the first […]

Monday, November 7th, 2011


digitas is a primarily digital design firm in boston. they work with really big clients like GM and Colgate. there are two suffolk alumni who work there now, so one of the foundation professors, susan nichter, stays in contact with with a man named tony who has been working at digitas for years. he organized […]

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

halloween and hell week

halloween was a complete success!  despite the homework and the stress of throwing a party, i had such a great weekend. everyone had so much fun! it was a good thing that i had such a wonderful weekend because this week was awful. stressful to the max. i had three projects due this week. wednesday, […]

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

last advising meeting

this week i had my last advising meeting…. so strange. i didn’t realize it was my last one until afterwards, when it hit me that i just planned out my last semester of college. i just chose my last group of classes. after this, i am done. crazy.crazy.crazy. i cannot believe it. considering it is […]

Monday, October 24th, 2011

halloween is almost here!

happy early halloween! i cannot believe that one of my favorite holidays is almost here! this semester is going by so fast! i don’t know about you, but i love halloween. it’s not just the candy and the costumes, it’s that feeling of mystery and mischievousness that comes along with the new chill in the […]

Monday, October 10th, 2011

long weekends

who doesn’t love a nice long weekend? i don’t think i’ve met anyone who has said that they prefer a short weekend to a long one. i’d probably think they had something wrong with them if they did. this weekend was columbus day weekend. and i was so appreciative that it just happened to fall when […]

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

seasons changing… and changing back again

today, october 7th, is a balmy 80 degrees. strange, you might be thinking, considering this is boston and its OCTOBER. even stranger is that it was 60 degrees yesterday. yes. sixty. i-wake-up-freezing-and-wear-a-scarf-all-day kind of fall weather. it was cold. so i really shouldn’t be complaining about the weather today. it’s gorgeous out. sunny, clear skies, […]

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

boston local food festival

we had our first class for my alternative winter break trip on friday! in case you don’t know what that is, alternative winter break is much like alternative spring break; we are going to be working with habitat for humanity during the second half of our winter break. the major difference between asb and awb […]

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

first project!

my first project of senior year is officially done! i passed it in today and i really love the outcome. it was in illustration. we had to pick a condiment and create a label using illustrations that we made. i decided to do a label for creole seasoning. like good designers, we did a lot […]

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