Monday, November 7th, 2011...10:47 pm


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digitas is a primarily digital design firm in boston. they work with really big clients like GM and Colgate. there are two suffolk alumni who work there now, so one of the foundation professors, susan nichter, stays in contact with with a man named tony who has been working at digitas for years. he organized a round table discussion for new england school of art and design students at digitas this past thursday.

i am really glad i got a chance to go because it was my first time in a large design firm and speaking with a wide variety of professional graphic designers. they all came from very different backgrounds (from knowing what they wanted to do since high school to getting into design while studying mechanical engineering at MIT) and it was educational to learn about how they did their internships or  compiled their portfolio.

i have to get an internship lined up for next semester so this meeting came at a perfect time to motivate me! i have a lot to do to start applying so i needed something to really get me inspired. now i am ready to start sending out my resume and get my portfolio together. i should probably work on doing that now….

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