Author Archive


i am currently a sophomore at suffolk university's new england school of art and design. i am obsessed with speaking spanish. i love trying new foods and learning about different cultures. i'm a bit of a treehugger. i'm a vegetarian and i love to cook. shopping is one of my favorite activities. i'd like to travel to every continent, at least once. madrid is my second home.

Saturday, June 19th, 2010

painting in praha

prague was incredible. i am sure you can see from the pictures that it’s a beautiful city. the architecture is amazing. the cobblestones are charming (although they are incredibly dangerous if you are wearing heels). the food is great. coffee was so delicious. czech people… ehh not the best first impression. but i met a […]

Saturday, June 12th, 2010


i’m going to share some pictures first because i don’t quite know where to begin writing!

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

second semester classes: design issues and processes

i really wasn’t quite sure what this class was when i signed up for it, but it turned out to be a really interesting class. basically it covers a bunch of stuff. the class starts out with field trips to museums and galleries around boston. it was a great way to learn about what’s going […]

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

second semester classes: three-d design

sorry its taken me so long to continue with these end of the year blogs. i just got back from a busy trip to prague (!!) so i haven’t really had the time to finish them. (and don’t worry, i’ll write about prague in a bit!) so three-d was not a class i was looking […]

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

second semester classes: drawing II

drawing two was the first class that i finished this semester, and it was definitely one of my favorites. i have grown to love drawing so much. i was really sad to see it end. i have learned so much this semester. drawing two focuses more on color and figure drawing. i had a pretty […]

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

the end is here!

i just finished my paper! my nine-page literature analysis in spanish is finally done. i cannot wait to pass it in later on today. i can’t believe this year is over. wow. it has gone by so fast. and yet, at the same time, september feels like such a long time ago. i have learned […]

Monday, April 26th, 2010

the end is near.

and so begins the last week of classes. sorry i have been slacking on the blog-front lately. i have been super busy! the work just keeps on coming, but i can see the light at the end of the tunnel. right now i am stressed to the max. i have group projects, portfolio reviews, essays, […]

Monday, April 12th, 2010

pre-departure painting

it is exactly one month until i am in prague! exciting right? but there is so much stuff to do beforehand, i really need to focus on that stuff first. i can’t get too ahead of myself. on saturday, however, my professor got most of us together to have a pre-departure painting course so we […]

Thursday, April 8th, 2010


gah! in about a month i will be on a plane to the czech republic! it’s strange how sudden this seems. i feel like i still have a few more months until i go! although, i guess that it’s all starting to come together. i bought my plane ticket a few weeks ago (which i […]

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

it’s crunch time yet again…

there are three weeks left before finals week, and things are going to get crazy! …what am i talking about? things are already crazy. projects, essays, apartment searching… the rest of the month is all going to blend together. i have one last project for 3d design and design issues and processes. i have to […]

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