Saturday, December 10th, 2011...2:33 pm

no more classes!

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yesterday marked the official end of classes for the fall 2011 semester. it ended a very stressful week of little sleep and too much craziness. it’s still kind of crazy that this semester is over. my portfolio review on wednesday is the only obstacle between me and my winter break freedom!

which also means that i have one semester left of college before i graduate. a few short months and then i am out in the real world. needless to say, i have some majorly mixed up emotions about the end of this semester. underneath all the euphoria of being (almost) done, a little part of me is saying, “no! no! no! make it last a little longer.”

this has been one my favorite semesters of college. school was hard. all of my classes really challenged me, but at the same time, i really enjoyed them! outside of school, i have spectacular roommates, amazing friends and an awesome boyfriend. i probably hadn’t had this much fun in school since i was in spain! i am looking forward to next semester because i know it will be much of the same (and if the weather stays on the path its going, i won’t be trudging through snow and a below zero windchill for too long).

it’s a bittersweet end. i still haven’t quite recognized the fact that it’s over because i still have so much work to do for my portfolio review, but i am sure that sooner than i think i will be relishing in the wonder of having absolutely nothing to do.

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