From the Sidelines to the Frontlines: 5 Ways to Engage in Effective Legal and Social Activism Online

Chances are that if you are active on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you have seen friends, family members, and classmates share articles and posts supporting social movements such as Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police.  While it creates a virtual picket-line of solidarity, substantive change comes from physical activism.  Sharing a colorful picture or a black screen, without any other action, is merely performative. However, there are many things that you, right now, can do online to support community and legal activists in their fight against systemic injustice.  … Read More From the Sidelines to the Frontlines: 5 Ways to Engage in Effective Legal and Social Activism Online

Social Media: Once A Seclusion Device To A Tool For Social and Legislative Change

This blog is about the use of social media platforms to spread information and
invoke change. Knowledge is power, and when people have the correct information, they
feel a part of something bigger than themselves, and often will want to become actively
involved. I address the power of Snap Chat among our youth; specifically the recent
Stoneman school shooting, where students were videoing the horrific event and posting it
to Snap Chat. I also address the power of Facebook videos, again staying with the
Stoneman school shooting, to highlight the influential videos from the students and
faculty after the event and their call for legislative change. It seems as if the news has lost
its prestige in the last few years, and a message from real human beings who were there
has become more powerful and moving than reports from newscasters. Which is why I
believe we’re seeing more social change, because people are being touched with real
human experience through a digital screen.
Read More Social Media: Once A Seclusion Device To A Tool For Social and Legislative Change