OpenAI Under Fire: Musk Files Lawsuit, Igniting Debate on AI’s Ethical Trajectory

By: Meg Apostolides   Elon Musk, a co-founder of OpenAI, has ignited a legal firestorm with his recent lawsuit against OpenAI and Sam Altman.  The lawsuit centers on accusations of a fundamental shift within OpenAI, raising critical questions about the ethics, transparency, and ultimately, the future direction of artificial intelligence (“AI”) development. OpenAI was founded… Read More OpenAI Under Fire: Musk Files Lawsuit, Igniting Debate on AI’s Ethical Trajectory

Bench IQ: Revolutionizing Legal Strategy with AI Insights into Judicial Decision-Making

By: Paul Coste   Imagine the advantage a lawyer would have if they could read a judge’s mind. If a lawyer knew what a particular judge was thinking and how they made decisions, they could craft the perfect argument for every motion. While not the ability to read minds exactly, that is the same type… Read More Bench IQ: Revolutionizing Legal Strategy with AI Insights into Judicial Decision-Making

Combatting Distrust of AI-Generated Images

By: Adrienne Viarengo Photographs and videos are often used as proof that an event occurred in a certain way, and images or videos accompanying news seemed to be innately more trustworthy. Now, artificial intelligence’s (“AI”) capability to generate false media jeopardizes reliance on photos and videos to corroborate news stories. Without some process of labeling… Read More Combatting Distrust of AI-Generated Images

ChatGPT—Copyright or Copywrong? The Copyright Infringement Case Against OpenAI and Microsoft

By: Eleni Tsokolas The advent of ChatGPT has been one of the most innovative technological inventions of the twenty-first century; however, it has brought forth an onslaught of legal issues—particularly in the copyright realm.  On December 27th, 2023, The New York Times filed suit in the Federal District Court in Manhattan seeking “billions of dollars… Read More ChatGPT—Copyright or Copywrong? The Copyright Infringement Case Against OpenAI and Microsoft

Technology and the Fight Against Luxury Fashion Counterfeiting

By: Kaylie Scalze In the wake of a recent legal win for luxury brands, resale sites, and authenticators are looking to find new ways to fortify the authentication process for reselling luxury brand products. In March 2018, luxury fashion Brand Chanel sued luxury resale brand What Goes Around Comes Around (“WGACA”) for a laundry list… Read More Technology and the Fight Against Luxury Fashion Counterfeiting

Generative AI in Legal Briefs: Proposed Rules and Practitioner Perspectives

By: Paul Coste   “[A]ny use of AI requires caution and humility,” cautioned U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts in a year-end report published December 31st, 2023. In the report, Roberts mentioned the now infamous instance where over reliance on artificial intelligence (“AI”) in a court filing led lawyers to cite non-existent cases. These… Read More Generative AI in Legal Briefs: Proposed Rules and Practitioner Perspectives

Is AI Setting My Rent?

By: Miles G. Michaud Traditionally, large commercial apartment buildings have set their rental prices using notions of supply and demand.  Or,perhaps the building’s management would conduct market research of comparable properties in the surrounding area to determine the price of its vacant studio units.  However, todays large commercial landlords set their prices rather differently.  Many… Read More Is AI Setting My Rent?

Writer’s Guild Strikers push for boundaries to be set in negotiations involving the use of Artificial Intelligence in Hollywood, setting legal precedent, and taking the future of careers out of technology’s hands.

By: Meg Cotter The writers behind our favorite films and movies and the actors portraying the roles within them are standing up for their place in Hollywood as Artificial Intelligence becomes a hot topic in the SAG-AFTRA labor strike.  Technology has progressed to the point that scripts can be written without writers and actors’ images… Read More Writer’s Guild Strikers push for boundaries to be set in negotiations involving the use of Artificial Intelligence in Hollywood, setting legal precedent, and taking the future of careers out of technology’s hands.

Zoom’s Privacy Paradox: Bridging the Gap Between AI Innovation and User Trust

By: Megan Apostolides Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Zoom has become a household name and integral part of remote work and communication.  By providing a virtual platform for meetings, webinars and social interactions, Zoom adapted to the evolving needs of our society and has managed to maintain its relevance and popularity in the… Read More Zoom’s Privacy Paradox: Bridging the Gap Between AI Innovation and User Trust

GPT Passes the Uniform Bar Exam: What Does This Mean and How Does it Affect the Legal Profession?

By: Kendall Casey On March 14, 2023, the newest version of OpenAI passed the Uniform Bar Exam (“UBE”) with scores that would place it in the 90th percentile of test takers.  This comes just two months after the previous version of the software attempted the bar exam in January, not answering particular portions and scoring… Read More GPT Passes the Uniform Bar Exam: What Does This Mean and How Does it Affect the Legal Profession?

Living Artists v. AI Generators: How to Avoid Non-Human Copyright Infringement

By: Annabelle Hentz In the United States, copyright authorship may only be granted to works that are independently created by a human author and are sufficiently original.  In a world where ever-changing technology continues to alter the scope of intellectual property and what works are inherently protected, artificial-intelligence-generated(“AI-generated”) images must be regulated.  They must be… Read More Living Artists v. AI Generators: How to Avoid Non-Human Copyright Infringement

Making History: Artificial Intelligence Slated to be Defense Counsel for a Human in a US Courtroom

By: Andrew Ciulla In a historic first, an AI-powered robot lawyer will appear as defense counsel in a U.S. courtroom in February.  However, for those skeptical or maybe even nervous about the development, rest assured that the case is nothing close to a murder defense or some serious criminal charge.  Instead, the robot lawyer will… Read More Making History: Artificial Intelligence Slated to be Defense Counsel for a Human in a US Courtroom

Artificially Intelligent Artists?

By: Kiara D. Benac Although art generated by algorithms has been around for years, the emergence of new programs that use machine learning to transform words into images within seconds, such as DALL-E 2, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion, has become not only trendy but also controversial.  Historically, controversy has followed the introduction of new art-making technology.… Read More Artificially Intelligent Artists?

Digital Contact Tracing and its Privacy Implications: Is Artificial Intelligence Crucial to Our Health Care System?

Until a vaccine becomes available, primary ways of preventing the transmission of COVID-19 include interventions such as contact tracing. The scale and speed needed for such tracing are unprecedented, and technology companies have worked quickly to collaborate with various public health experts to develop tools, such as smartphone apps, that aid in COVID-19 response efforts. Many of these technologies present numerous risks and concerns, such as how data is gathered and used, as well as how to integrate these tools into the public health infrastructure. The success of these technologies and their associated risks heavily depend on public support and trust in these companies and the government that privacy rights and protections under the Fourth Amendment will be preserved.… Read More Digital Contact Tracing and its Privacy Implications: Is Artificial Intelligence Crucial to Our Health Care System?

American Jobs for American Robots: Will Artificial Intelligence Abolish the Legal Profession?

This blog explores the capabilities of artificial intelligence integrated into the legal industry. Furthermore, this blog determines whether or not there is a possibility that artificial intelligence will take jobs away from attorneys or make their jobs more efficient.… Read More American Jobs for American Robots: Will Artificial Intelligence Abolish the Legal Profession?

Battle of the Bots: Using Artificial Intelligence to Combat Data Bias and Discrimination

Artificial intelligence (“AI”) plays an increasing role as businesses seek to optimize their services and seek deeper insights with increased efficiency. However, as algorithms inherit the bias baked within the datasets they employ, the resulting automated decisions can lead to discriminatory consequences. The best chance to combat bias and discrimination in AI may be to fight fire with fire and use AI to find and correct bias.… Read More Battle of the Bots: Using Artificial Intelligence to Combat Data Bias and Discrimination

A.I. Antidote: Voters Look to Technology and Artificial Intelligence to Combat Modern Gerrymandering

Big data and artificial intelligence have allowed political operatives to advance the gerrymandering of district maps. With the Supreme Court deciding not to offer citizens protection against partisan gerrymandering, citizens and non-governmental organizations may be able to use the same technological innovations in the fight for fairer election maps.… Read More A.I. Antidote: Voters Look to Technology and Artificial Intelligence to Combat Modern Gerrymandering

AI-Powered Contract Management Systems: AI to Solve the Struggle of Contracting

Nearly all growing companies, including law firms, employ a small legal team working hard behind the scenes on various paperwork transactions, especially contracts. These legal teams carry great influence and play a vital business role. A recent study conducted by a software company, Apttus, revealed that 65-percent of legal professionals say that their biggest challenge at work is the time lost locating, reviewing, and analyzing paper documents. As a result, 40-percent of legal departments now use some sort of automated contract management system to deal with their paperwork transactions. Further, 29-percent of law firms are actively seeking the use of a contract management system, and it’s about time. Recent technological developments like artificial intelligence have assisted and boosted contract management systems by helping companies overcome the challenges of contracting. The rise of artificial intelligence integrated contract management systems is inevitable and legal teams must learn the technology or they will fall behind to their competition and fail client expectations.… Read More AI-Powered Contract Management Systems: AI to Solve the Struggle of Contracting