The Impact of EU’s New General Data Protection Regulation on Global Firms

By Jenna Andrews Amidst the massive data security breaches of the past few years, there is growing skepticism worldwide about the safety of personal data held by companies and other organizations. In the past five years alone, billions of individuals have had their personal data violated as a result of company security breaches. Most recently… Read More The Impact of EU’s New General Data Protection Regulation on Global Firms

Making Sense of Russia’s Data Localization Law

Russia has implemented a sweeping data storage localization law that requires the personal data of its citizens to be collected and stored in Russia. There is currently a lack of clarity around how the Russian government will enforce the law and the potential ramifications the law may have on the privacy of its citizens as well as foreign investment in the Russian marketplace. Following a rushed implementation and a delay in enforcement, it now appears the Russian government has made an example of LinkedIn and set the tone for compliance going forward.
Read More Making Sense of Russia’s Data Localization Law