Justice on Mute: Navigating the Trials & Tribulations of Zoom Court

By: Sarah McLaughlin Cutting in and out, talking over one another, the constant “can everyone hear me?” or worse yet, an unexpected situation when a participant doesn’t realize they left their camera on.  In the post-pandemic world, we have all become far too familiar with the trials and tribulations of remote meetings. Now, consider those… Read More Justice on Mute: Navigating the Trials & Tribulations of Zoom Court

Day in The Life of a Social Media Influencer

“Influencers” existed long before the term was even coined, but there has been a strong mystery surrounding them for years. Many individuals ask, what do they do all day? How do you become one? Is it as glamorous as it seems? There are many hypothetical answers, and misconceptions but there are real answers to them. Being an influencer is becoming a huge trend, but this industry comes with a lot of baggage.… Read More Day in The Life of a Social Media Influencer

A Pirate’s Life for Consumers: the Implications of the Streaming Services Boom

With the number of subscription video-on-demand services rising, piracy is once again a notable problem. The majority of people do not have the disposable income to be spending on entertainment. They are typically able to afford one or two subscriptions per month. And this was the initial attraction to sites like Netflix. Consumers were able to watch their favorite shows and movies, anytime and anywhere at a reasonable price-point. However, more and more networks are no longer renewing their licensing contracts with companies like Netflix and creating their own streaming services and exclusive homes for beloved content. Studies have shown this is driving people back to watching pirated copies. … Read More A Pirate’s Life for Consumers: the Implications of the Streaming Services Boom

Love in a Pandemic: What COVID has Done to Online Dating

Since March of 2020, the desire for human connection and a significant other during the pandemic has increased. Individuals, some for the first time, turned to virtual dating this year when the usual ways of meeting people disappeared amidst a pandemic. Dating in the COVID-19 era become simpler in some ways, yet, in addition to the regular fears of rejection, there is now a fear of getting an infection, getting “catfished”, or having your private information stolen. … Read More Love in a Pandemic: What COVID has Done to Online Dating

Black-Owned Business during the Coronavirus Pandemic just might be saved.

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) pandemic disproportionately affected Black and Brown entrepreneurs, compared to their White counterparts. From February to April 2020, CNN Business reported there was a 41% closure rate in Black-owned businesses and a 32% drop in Latino-owned businesses. Meanwhile, White entrepreneurs experienced only a 17% closure rate. However, Black and Brown entrepreneurs have received unprecedented support from Americans outraged by police brutality and the tragic murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Ahmaud Arbery, while motivated to make a difference in racial injustice and economic inequity. In its efforts to promote equality and end racism, the Black Lives Matter movement has contributed to a sharp rise in Black-owned businesses ’ global online sales.… Read More Black-Owned Business during the Coronavirus Pandemic just might be saved.

Net Neutrality – President Obama’s Mission to Ban Internet Gatekeeping

POSTED BY Nico Pingaro President Obama made an effort to secure net neutrality calling on the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to ensure and protect that neutrality. President Obama stated, “I believe the FCC should create a new set of rules protecting Net neutrality and ensuring that neither the cable company nor the phone… Read More Net Neutrality – President Obama’s Mission to Ban Internet Gatekeeping