Kim Kardashian Entertaining the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

By: Victoria Nash Kim Kardashian is known as the Queen of Social Media, but it looks like her and her team forgot to research before promotinga crypto currency. Kim Kardashian and other influential celebrities were touting a crypto currency called EthereumMax,now called Ethereum, without disclosing their compensation for the post. When influencing for a crypto… Read More Kim Kardashian Entertaining the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Kim Kardashian: Working on Her Fitness, Not So Much Her Character

By: Catherine Nicholson On June 13, 2021, Kim Kardashian touted a cryptocurrency asset security on her Instagram account in exchange for $250,000.  The asset promoted in that Instagram post was a token offered by EthereumMax: “EMAX Tokens”.  EMAX Tokens are digital currency that purports to give owners of the Token special perks such as “special… Read More Kim Kardashian: Working on Her Fitness, Not So Much Her Character

Will Profit Compromise the Ability to Go Green? Proposals for Industry and Government to Create Standards in Crypto-assets

By: Hayden McGuire A single transaction with bitcoin has a power cost that is equivalent to the average U.S. household’s 50-day consumption.  Since the cryptocurrency’s popularization in 2016, the high-electricity-consuming coin has had detrimental effects to the environment.  If the power consumption that bitcoin uses was measured as its own country, it would be in… Read More Will Profit Compromise the Ability to Go Green? Proposals for Industry and Government to Create Standards in Crypto-assets