Big Tech Companies Use their Position to Stand-up for Gay Rights in America

By: Emily O’Toole There have been disturbing legal events in the state of Indiana regarding the equality of all citizens. Governor Mike Pence signed a “Religious Freedom Restoration Act”( into law. This bill purports to expand the religious freedoms of businesses. The Bill infringes on the rights of a state or local government to substantially burden… Read More Big Tech Companies Use their Position to Stand-up for Gay Rights in America

¬Could The Invention Of A New Printer Ink Made With Colloidal Photonic Crystals Be The Latest Defense To The Age Old Battle Against Counterfeit Currency?

  POSTED BY Emily O’Toole Article I Section 8 of The United States Constitution provides Congress with the authority to regulate and coin money in Clause 5.  Clause 6 also grants Congress the authority to punish those that create counterfeit money.  The ability to punish counterfeiters, however, is contingent on the ability to catch counterfeiters. … Read More ¬Could The Invention Of A New Printer Ink Made With Colloidal Photonic Crystals Be The Latest Defense To The Age Old Battle Against Counterfeit Currency?