Art in the Digital Age: the Limited, but Real Value of Intellectual Property Rights in AI-made Artwork

By: Bryan Sicard   As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly accessible to the general public, it is being used not only as an artistic novelty but has also shown itself capable of being used to fill voids in artistic markets.  This has resulted in AI being directed to create poems and literature, songs, scripts, and… Read More Art in the Digital Age: the Limited, but Real Value of Intellectual Property Rights in AI-made Artwork

Non-Fungible Tokens: The Million Dollar Digital Assets

NFTs are unique blockchain-based tokens and provide a way for the digital transfer of assets. While digital art and whatnot can be easily screenshotted or photographed, only the purchaser of the NFT has the original due to the uniqueness of the transfer. Digital art is a common NFT, but currently Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is selling the first tweet ever as an NFT, and the current bid is $2.5 million. I will discuss different examples of NFTs and the legal ramifications of these transfers, specifically the rights owners have when they buy the tokens. … Read More Non-Fungible Tokens: The Million Dollar Digital Assets