Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Aerial Photography

POSTED BY Jeremiah Chapin There’s a big difference between the million dollar remote controlled surveillance drones patrolling conflict areas, and the tech enthusiast’s quasi helicopter-like remote controlled device equipped with a GoPro (digital video recorder). Or is there?   It hasn’t taken long for these futuristic devices known as aviation drones to be made available… Read More Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Aerial Photography

CurrentC’s Data Breach Results in Major Setback for the Apple Pay Rival

By: Linda Vo Over the past few years, technological advancements have allowed people to streamline just about every aspect of their lives in one convenient place: their smartphones.  Two weeks ago, Apple Pay was launched, enabling consumers to now securely store their credit card information on the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus devices… Read More CurrentC’s Data Breach Results in Major Setback for the Apple Pay Rival

Importance of Keeping Human Agents Involved in Red-Light Camera Usage Posted by Joseph Rinaldi

By: Joseph Rinaldi The advancement of technology has enabled the enforcement of traffic laws in ways that were not envisioned or possible when many of these laws were created. One example of this phenomenon involves the enforcement of traffic laws through the use of automated cameras placed at intersections in numerous cities across the United… Read More Importance of Keeping Human Agents Involved in Red-Light Camera Usage Posted by Joseph Rinaldi

Social Media: A Double-Edged Blade

POSTED BY Micah-Shalom Kesselman On November 14th, Suffolk’s Intellectual Property Concentration will be hosting a conference titled Emerging Issues in Social Media Liability.  Social media has continuously increased in significance and ubiquity for years now.  Whether it is Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, SnapChat, or any other of the myriad social media platforms that pervade one’s… Read More Social Media: A Double-Edged Blade

Big Brother?

POSTED BY Alexandra Lowe   In 1994, Police Chief William Bratton introduced computer-driven performance management to policing.  This data-focused management model, originally known as CompStat, is credited with introducing the concept of “predictive policing” to law enforcement and crime fighting.  CompStat and other similar programs synthesize close to real-time crime data in order to identify criminal… Read More Big Brother?

Potential Libel Action Against Google For The Autocomplete Feature

POSTED BY Natasha Meserve Recently, Google, the famous search engine, has dealt with international issues, notably with its Autocomplete feature. This serious issue might potentially hold Google accountable for libel lawsuits regarding certain companies and people. More specifically, ones that are searched for and have certain potentially libelous words associated with its name.  Google’s Autocomplete… Read More Potential Libel Action Against Google For The Autocomplete Feature

Notch’s Reaction to Minecraft Buyout Is a Reminder to All Entrepreneurs

POSTED BY Micah-Shalom Kesselman Early September saw the announcement of Microsoft’s buyout of Mojang, developers of the phenomenally popular Minecraft, for $2.5 billion.  Some have been discussing the favorable tax implications its impact for Microsoft.  Others have pointed out the long-term branding strategy underlying the acquisition. In the wake of the buyout, news broke that… Read More Notch’s Reaction to Minecraft Buyout Is a Reminder to All Entrepreneurs

BitTorrent release of “Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes”: Unleashing data piracy concerns?

POSTED BY Rebecca Rubin Perhaps taking note of U2’s largely undesirable infiltration of users’ iTunes accounts with their recent album release, Radiohead front-man, Thom Yorke, turned to the controversial BitTorrent platform to debut his newest solo record. In his swift attempt to appeal to the public’s infatuation with digital media, Yorke has successfully garnered over… Read More BitTorrent release of “Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes”: Unleashing data piracy concerns?

NFC Technology Makes First Appearance in Apple Devices

POSTED BY Benjamin Feilich Apple released its latest models in the iPhone family, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, on September 19, 2014, featuring near-field communications (“NFC”) hardware for the first time in Apple devices. NFC technology permits consumers to make wireless payments and transactions using mobile devices by waving their device over a… Read More NFC Technology Makes First Appearance in Apple Devices