Friday, October 23rd, 2009...10:08 pm
SFR. don’t worry. most people don’t know what this acronym is.
fyi it stands for suffolk free radio… yes, suffolk has a radio station. i didn’t know it had one either until my friends told me about it. they happen to have their own hour on sfr– a little show named “pie and coffee” that goes from 8-9 pm on thursday evenings. my friends christian and ashley both lovelovelove music. it’s funny because in spain (they both went to madrid with me for this past year), they talked about having their own radio show sometime, and now, they do!
unfortunately, i hadn’t been able to listen to it until last night. before last night, the station wouldn’t play on macs (i have a mac), and on top of that, i have a night ethics class on thursdays that goes until 8:10 so would make me a late listener anyways. yesterday, i had my ethics midterm which didn’t take the whole class period. so i decided to take the opportunity to finally listen to the show and go listen to it in person!!
not surprisingly, the music was great. christian and ashley did a really awesome job. christian’s friend jake also has his own little segment called “jake’s love corner” which is great. he gave a shout out to our friend chelsea who is coming down next week to visit!!
so i am going to say that you all should definitely take a little listen to sfr sometime but more specifically, listen to “pie and coffee” on thursday nights!! 🙂 here’s the link below:
1 Comment
January 17th, 2011 at 8:24 pm
hey there now that’s what I call real writing! You are talented my friend.