Tuesday, January 24th, 2012...6:02 pm
first day of my internship
so i was a little nervous last night about starting my internship today. i knew it was going to be fine (at orientation everyone was so friendly and laid back) but that didn’t make me any less nervous for my first official day as an intern at the small planet institute.
i got there earlier than everyone else, and since it was my first day, i had nothing to do so i decided to read some more of the book that they had given me to read. (frances moore lappe has written a number of books. i’ve only read one (diet for a small planet), but i am in the middle of two of her others (ecomind and getting a grip).
but as soon as natalie got in, she assigned me with the task of making some new postcards/promo cards for frances’ new book, ecomind. so i just sat at my little desk and made up a few versions for them to pick through. they loved them! they were so excited and so impressed that i could made it all that day (i mean it took me 5 hours, but still). i was really flattered and it definitely gave me a good feeling of what the rest of my time there will be like.
i have yet to meet frances (i am patiently waiting for that moment!) but everyone else i’ve met so far is awesome! they share space with another organization called ecologic which works in latin america, so there’s a smatter of spanish here and there. you can only imagine how happy that makes me!
so overall, i had an excellent first day. 🙂 yay!