Monday, December 19th, 2011...5:59 pm
graphic design three
this was one of my favorite classes of the semester. i got some of my best (and my personal favorite!) projects of the semester. my roommate hope was in my class too so that was fun to get to go to class together in the morning!
my two favorite projects from this class this semester were the poetry book and the set of cards project. the poetry book project was our first project. we had to design a book of collected poetry that had a theme. mine was called on living and dying: collected poetry by e. e. cummings. it was a collection of poems by cummings on life and death. i had a lot of fun finding photography (i ended up using a bunch of black and white photos from the 60s). and i really enjoyed playing with the layout of the words.
my other favorite project was our last project, the set of cards project. i did mine to support the famine in Ethiopia. the cards would be theoretically sold through Oxfam to go towards their efforts in Ethiopia to relieve poverty. each card features art by contemporary ethiopian artists and a small biography on the back. the box resembles the boxes Oxfam uses to deliver food and supplies so it gives the customer the idea that with their purchase another similar box is being delivered to a community in need.