Tuesday, August 9th, 2011...10:05 pm
graduation party
my family threw a graduation party this past weekend. it wasn’t for me (not yet anyway–thankfully), it was for my sister’s high school graduation! we made it a little later in the summer because in june, there is at least 2 grad parties a day. by mid-august there are no conflicts! woohoo!
it is very strange to know that my younger sister is going to college next year. it really doesn’t seem like that long ago that i was flying off to spain to start my freshman year (well it does and it doesn’t– it’s one of those things that feels far away and close at the same time). but it just proves how quickly college goes by. realizing that she’s going to school means only one thing for me– i am at the end of my college career. 😮
i am not letting my senior jitters get in the way of my excitement for her. she’s going off in less than two weeks! i know she can’t wait (sunday was 2 weeks to the day she moves in and she let everyone know). i am going to help her move in. the whole thing is a little surreal. it hasn’t really sunk in yet. it’s going to be more than a little strange for me because it’ll be the first time that i ever do the dorm move-in. i guess that will eliminate that whole deja vu thing that most older siblings and parents go through but it’s going to be something so new for me even though i am past that point in my life. i will never move into a dorm. i don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but she’s going to experience something that i have never and will never experience. up till now, we have kind of followed the same path. this getting older bit brings you into some different territory… i guess this is only the beginning.