Thursday, March 11th, 2010...3:22 pm
i’m done! yaaayy! i am officially on spring break! and i am very excited. i still have a lot of non-school related work to do, like searching for apartments and plane tickets. but its so nice not to have anything due tomorrow.
it’s been a long few weeks. and i have had to do a lot of work. luckily, though, i have been able to do some of it with friends. for my midterm in drawing two, we had a portfolio critique. basically, that means i had to fix up all of my drawings from the beginning of the semester and bring them in to school. then i had an appointment with my professor to go over them all one-on-one. she critiqued my work and told me what i was doing well and what i needed to work on. it’s a bit nerve-racking, but i have worked really hard in that class this semester so i wasn’t too worried about it.
it went really well actually! but before i went, i had to finish/fix all the drawings i had. most of the drawings i started i didn’t finish in class. that meant i had to finish them all… and there were quite a few. haha one of my friends in my drawing class lives at the 10 west dorms. last weekend, i went over there with another friend (my future roommate marissa!) and we worked on our drawings together! we sat in the common room for about 3 hours drawing, eating, and talking. haha it was great! it made all the drawings i had to do a lot more fun and a lot less stressful. i definitely plan on having work sessions together a lot more often.