Tuesday, February 16th, 2010...10:56 pm

worcester weekend

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one of the great things i love about living in the city is the ability to escape it every once in awhile.

yes, i know. that doesn’t really make a lot of sense, but it goes for any place. even if you love where you live, sometimes it’s really nice to just go somewhere else for a few days. my escape this weekend was to worcester. i know quite a few people there. well, four to be exact. but they are all good friends. and the hardest thing is that when i go there, i don’t really have time to visit them all. :/

this weekend it was leidy and val’s turn. i’ve talked about leidy before. we used to go exploring coffee shops on monday afternoons. unfortunately, this little tradition had to end. schedule conflicts. thankfully, we have a class together this semester, but class doesn’t really allow a lot of talking. so we catch up with sleepovers. most of the time she sleeps over here. it makes sense. usually she has to do something here during the day she has no class… perfect excuse for a sleepover fiesta! hahaha

it had been awhile since i had seen her mom and her sister so i decided to make a trip! they’re so great! i always feel like i am a part of the family whenever i am there. after a relatively short 1.5 hour train ride on friday night, i was there! leidy, her sister, and i just hung out at a cafe. her boyfriend and his suite mates met us there. i had only met her boyfriend once so i was really great to really talk to the guy i hear so much about on tuesday and thursday mornings. her mom took us out for brazilian food on saturday afternoon. it was delicious. i just loved it. and we got this great strawberry cake… ahhh i’m getting hungry just thinking about it!

on saturday night i headed over to my friend val’s house. she goes to the worcester polytechnic institute. a few of my other friends from high school were coming down from their respective schools in vermont and maine to visit and celebrate our single-ness together! hahaha actually, we really just used it as an excuse to make the trip and visit. it had been awhile since i had seen them all and i was so glad that we got to hang out. i realized just how much i missed them and how bad i have been at keeping in contact with them. my communication bad habits definitely need to change!!

overall it was a super great weekend. i came back to boston a bit refreshed and ready to take on city life once more…. although i might start making more trips out to worcester. for some reason, i really like it there. haha

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