The COVID-19 Pandemic Made It Easier to See Your Doctor From Your Living Room: What Does That Mean for the Future of Healthcare?

The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent stay-at-home orders accelerated the expansion and adoption of telehealth and telemedicine services. The shift to virtual health care has provided many advantages, such as enhanced convenience for patients as well as greater access to health care services. However, despite the many benefits, legal experts caution that as remote health care services increase, the profession must consider the legal and compliance issues related to administering virtual care. These considerations include defining telehealth and telemedicine, securing appropriate licenses, broadening insurance coverage, and addressing privacy concerns. … Read More The COVID-19 Pandemic Made It Easier to See Your Doctor From Your Living Room: What Does That Mean for the Future of Healthcare?

You Are Not Alone; I Am Here with You…. Socially Distant Of Course.

Corona Virus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) is pushing the expansion of the use of technology into unimaginable aspects of our lives. The crisis is forever changing the healthcare industry, particularly mental health. The ongoing battle with COVID-19 is causing mental health education and treatment organizations to adapt to a new normal. Online services are the new appointment meeting as patients demand access to mental health services outside the clinic or a private office. Online therapy, also known as teletherapy, is the new normal, but is it worth the costs? A significant number of clinicians and therapists are unprepared for properly conducting treatments online compounded with the multiple issues arising from the inherent use of technology to deliver online services. … Read More You Are Not Alone; I Am Here with You…. Socially Distant Of Course.