DOJ Drops Suit Against California Statute, Now It’s Time for National Net Neutrality Protection

The DOJ dismissed the Trump administration’s legal challenge to California’s net neutrality statute. The California legislation bars internet service providers from slowing down website speeds, blocking access to certain websites and charging for large websites. As the law is still being challenged in the same court in a case brought by telecommunications industry trade groups, now is the time to discuss the renewal of federal net neutrality protections. Protecting our access to a free and open internet is now more important than ever in order to maintain a competitive marketplace and a fair democracy.… Read More DOJ Drops Suit Against California Statute, Now It’s Time for National Net Neutrality Protection

Facebook Soars into the Future: Plan to Spread Internet Connectivity Through Drones

POSTED BY Jessica Gray Over the past ten years, there have been numerous exceptional achievements in the world of technology and digital communications. However, one might argue that the most influential development was the creation of Facebook. The social media powerhouse has brought interconnectivity to millions of people and has sparked a social revolution. However,… Read More Facebook Soars into the Future: Plan to Spread Internet Connectivity Through Drones