Digital Contact Tracing and its Privacy Implications: Is Artificial Intelligence Crucial to Our Health Care System?

Until a vaccine becomes available, primary ways of preventing the transmission of COVID-19 include interventions such as contact tracing. The scale and speed needed for such tracing are unprecedented, and technology companies have worked quickly to collaborate with various public health experts to develop tools, such as smartphone apps, that aid in COVID-19 response efforts. Many of these technologies present numerous risks and concerns, such as how data is gathered and used, as well as how to integrate these tools into the public health infrastructure. The success of these technologies and their associated risks heavily depend on public support and trust in these companies and the government that privacy rights and protections under the Fourth Amendment will be preserved.… Read More Digital Contact Tracing and its Privacy Implications: Is Artificial Intelligence Crucial to Our Health Care System?

State and Federal Lawmakers Propose Bills in Hopes of Suppressing Theft of Mobile Devices

POSTED BY Caroline Carollo Smartphone theft is a major problem in the United States, and the number of smartphone-related robberies has significantly increased over the past couple of years.  These thefts make up between 30 to 40 percent of all robberies across the country.  In 2012, approximately 1.6 Americans were victims of smartphone theft, and… Read More State and Federal Lawmakers Propose Bills in Hopes of Suppressing Theft of Mobile Devices