Grey Area for Fourth Amendment Rights at the Border: Will the Recently Introduced “Protecting Data at the Border Act” Provide Sufficient Protection Against the Search of our Cell Phones?

Agents at the U.S. Border are searching cell phones without probable cause. New bill being discussed by Congress to implement controls to curb privacy violations.

Read More Grey Area for Fourth Amendment Rights at the Border: Will the Recently Introduced “Protecting Data at the Border Act” Provide Sufficient Protection Against the Search of our Cell Phones?

Gone “Phishing”

POSTED BY Rebecca Rubin Internet users are well-attuned to the prevalence of SPAM emails in their Inboxes. But really, some SPAM we assume is just clogging our Inboxes is merely an empty shell for a highly-intrusive hacking technique: phishing. Phishing is the reason SPAM emails can be so dangerous, and is the means employed to… Read More Gone “Phishing”