American Jobs for American Robots: Will Artificial Intelligence Abolish the Legal Profession?

This blog explores the capabilities of artificial intelligence integrated into the legal industry. Furthermore, this blog determines whether or not there is a possibility that artificial intelligence will take jobs away from attorneys or make their jobs more efficient.… Read More American Jobs for American Robots: Will Artificial Intelligence Abolish the Legal Profession?

Am I Being Replaced by a Robot?

With technological advances come some repercussions. The fact that technological advances makes most people’s lives easier is a proven fact, however, not everyone’s lives are getting easier after technological breakthroughs. People whose jobs are being automatized are not pleased with the outcome of the technological advances. Cashiers at supermarkets, automotive factory workers and the like have families too. Their lives have become much harder after the implementation of new technology in the workplace. … Read More Am I Being Replaced by a Robot?