White House Makes Protecting Digital Infrastructure a Priority

POSTED BY Anthony Gatto   This blogger recently has been focusing his topics on the ongoing threats to data privacy and cyberterrorism. And why shouldn’t I? Just take a look at the Heritage Foundation’s list of companies hit by cyberterrorists in 2014:   Niemen Marcus Michael’s Yahoo! AT&T eBay Public Works company (Homeland Security would not… Read More White House Makes Protecting Digital Infrastructure a Priority

Net Neutrality – President Obama’s Mission to Ban Internet Gatekeeping

POSTED BY Nico Pingaro President Obama made an effort to secure net neutrality calling on the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to ensure and protect that neutrality. President Obama stated, “I believe the FCC should create a new set of rules protecting Net neutrality and ensuring that neither the cable company nor the phone… Read More Net Neutrality – President Obama’s Mission to Ban Internet Gatekeeping