Smoking Stigma: How E-Cigarettes Perpetuate Stigma About Smoking in the Law

Electronic-Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, Hookah Pens, Vaporizers, “Vapes” – whatever you choose to call it – are the devices that are taking the smoking industry by storm, and are estimated to have topped $10 billion in sales in 2017. Vapes are devices that heat liquid to a boiling temperature where the liquid becomes a vapor, and the vapor is then inhaled by the smoker. Vapes are excessively poplar in the younger generation, but they have also exploded (no pun intended) in the marijuana industry. Regulations thus far have been implemented among the fifty states, but the effects that these products have on the country in general are still yet to come to complete fruition.… Read More Smoking Stigma: How E-Cigarettes Perpetuate Stigma About Smoking in the Law

Massachusetts’ New Ride Sharing Legislation: Unfair to Drivers or a Godsend to Passengers?

In April 2017, some 8,000 current and prospective ride-sharing drivers were prevented from either continuing or beginning their employment as drivers in Massachusetts as a result of a new state law. In response, many of these affected drivers are now arguing that the new law places too great a burden on them in regard to background checks, insurance, inspection requirements, and the like, where former inter-company requirements were more relaxed. However, some believe that the new law emphasizes the number one importance in ride-sharing and any taxi-like service, the passenger’s safety. … Read More Massachusetts’ New Ride Sharing Legislation: Unfair to Drivers or a Godsend to Passengers?