Confidentiality: Genetic Privacy

Genetics is a science that can be used to categorize people, stigmatize them, or subject them to social or economic discrimination. The individuals being tested are not the only ones with an interest in the test results. Family members, employers, insurers, the press, and the government all may desire information about a person’s genetics. Thus, raising a lot of privacy issues for genetic information. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) was designed to prohibit the improper use of genetic information for insurance and employment purposes. Even with this we must be aware of potential threats to our privacy. As biotechnology and computer technology advance, substantial privacy issues will continue to arise.… Read More Confidentiality: Genetic Privacy

How Natural is All Natural?

POSTED BY Kayla Morency In the 1970’s, biologists began experimenting with genetics and biotechnology, which ultimately resulted in genetically engineered DNA.  This new process involved the crossbreeding of various animal, plant, viral, and bacterial genes, which would not naturally occur in the environment.  In fact, the first patented genetically modified organism (GMO) was used by… Read More How Natural is All Natural?