ESPORTS: It’s all Fun and Games. Until it’s Not

This blog involves a discussion of a topic that has recently become a prominent issue in esports with the passing of an industry legend. Mental health has often been overlooked for esports players as most people assume that if you’re paid to play video games, you have nothing to complain about (a similar sentiment people used to have with traditional sports players).… Read More ESPORTS: It’s all Fun and Games. Until it’s Not

ESPORTS: The Billion-Dollar Industry Living in the Wild West

This blog revolves around issues that current esports athletes face as the industry struggles with the growing pains of becoming a global conglomerate. More specifically, this will dive into the drama that enveloped one of North America’s most popular esports entities, Team Solo Mid, this past year. An absolutely bizzare chain of events set into motion an eye-opening experience for current, future, and even former players. … Read More ESPORTS: The Billion-Dollar Industry Living in the Wild West