Birkins vs. MetaBirkins: Trademark Infringement in the Digital Sphere

By: Lily Keene Non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) are assets that have been tokenized through a blockchain and cannot be replicated.  The tokens are distinguished from each other by unique identification codes and metadata.  They represent digital or real-world items like artwork and real estate.  NFTs can be traded and exchanged for money, cryptocurrencies, or other NFTs.… Read More Birkins vs. MetaBirkins: Trademark Infringement in the Digital Sphere

Facebook Lifts Ban on Political Ads: Has Anything Changed?

Facebook announced earlier this month that it would lift its self-imposed ban on political advertising, put in place following the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. The social media giant stated that it would again run promotional advertisements on “social issues, elections or politics” but noted that advertisers would be subject to authorization and identity checks. Facebook was not the only company to institute such restrictions, Google put a similar ban in place, and announced that it was lifted in February. The bans sparked widespread critiques, but lifting the bans raises another set of questions entirely: Has anything changed? What did these bans really do to stop the spread of misinformation?… Read More Facebook Lifts Ban on Political Ads: Has Anything Changed?