The Fair and the Furious: Gig Workers Continue the Fight Against California’s Prop. 22

In November 2020, California voters passed ballot initiative Proposition 22 which helped to confirm the status of gig workers as independent contractors. While online platforms highlight that Proposition 22 confers some benefits such as a minimum wage and potential for healthcare benefits, some labor advocates argue that it removes necessary protections and benefits like paid sick and family leave, among others. The status of Proposition 22 remains up in the air due to a recent legal challenge which alleges that Proposition 22 is unconstitutional. The outcome of the suit has major implications for gig workers across the country and abroad.… Read More The Fair and the Furious: Gig Workers Continue the Fight Against California’s Prop. 22

COVID-19 Highlights Ride-Share Employment Issues: Massachusetts Takes Action

Following in California’s footsteps, Massachusetts filed suit against Uber and Lyft, seeking declaratory judgment that the companies’ drivers are employees, not independent contractors. Employees are offered important protections under Massachusetts Wage and Hour Laws, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only highlighted the need for these benefits for Massachusetts workers.… Read More COVID-19 Highlights Ride-Share Employment Issues: Massachusetts Takes Action