Title: America’s Quest For Electric Charging Infrastructure

By: Theodore Brothers With the world making unprecedented strides towards a society fully supported by electric transportation, there is a key question that still remains unknown – how do we charge them all? Currently, the majority of electric vehicle (“EV”) owners charge their vehicle at home, but with it being all but certain that there… Read More Title: America’s Quest For Electric Charging Infrastructure

The Clean Vehicle Credit: An Incentive or a Setback for the Electric Auto Industry?

By: Jacob Hartzler Tax incentives are a powerful tool utilized by the federal government to influence consumer and producer behavior in the United States.  Tax deductions and tax credits are two common such examples.  Generally, a tax deduction reduces the amount of income attributable to a taxpayer for a taxable year.  This thereby reduces that… Read More The Clean Vehicle Credit: An Incentive or a Setback for the Electric Auto Industry?