New Police Tactic “Weaponizing” Copyright Raises First Amendment Violation Concerns

In Beverly Hills, CA police officers have been recorded on several instances playing copyrighted music by popular bands such as the Beatles and Sublime. The officers knew that the person recording them was livestreaming and played the copyrighted music in hopes that the automated copyright filters on the streaming platform would shut down the stream and prevent the cameraman from posting the recording online. The police’s conduct raises concerns over citizens 1st Amendment right to film police officers and could result in a lengthy legal battle and Supreme Court decision if the practice of playing copyrighted music isn’t stopped.… Read More New Police Tactic “Weaponizing” Copyright Raises First Amendment Violation Concerns


Faced with the dilemma of keeping their website free from unlawful activity, YouTube’s Content ID system works to keep copyright infringement at bay. Unfortunately, the automated system leaves small content creators voiceless at the whim of copyright claims from corporate entities. Is there a realistic solution for Youtube?… Read More STRIKING OUT – YOUTUBE’S SWING-AND-MISS COPYRIGHT ID SYSTEM

3D Printing: A New Challenge To Intellectual Property Law

POSTED BY Nicholas Hasenfus 3D printers can be used to created objects out of materials such as metal, plastic, and nylon.  With a 3D scanner or 3D blueprints and a 3D printer, homeowners are able to create common household objects.  3D printers work differently than traditional machining techniques because printing is achieved using an additive… Read More 3D Printing: A New Challenge To Intellectual Property Law