Federal Agencies Indicate Intentions to Tighten Data Security Controls

By: Casey Reilly Last month, two federal United States agencies, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) and the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), indicated their separate intent to tighten existing consumer security protocols.  The CFPB issued a circular, which is a policy statement that advises relevant authorities on how to enforce federal laws related to consumer… Read More Federal Agencies Indicate Intentions to Tighten Data Security Controls

Is the Price of WhatsApp’s Free Services Worth Risking Our Fundamental Constitutional Privacy Rights?

WhatsApp alerted its billions of users of an update to its privacy policy, where the new terms must be accepted if users wish to keep using the popular messaging application. The new terms, however, had multiple repercussions, as privacy advocates, technology experts, and users claimed the privacy revisions were a violation of their fundamental right to privacy. WhatsApp’s response was that the changes were necessary to help it integrate better with other Facebook products, but amid the backlash of users leaving the app for rival services, the acceptance date of the new terms was pushed back by three months.… Read More Is the Price of WhatsApp’s Free Services Worth Risking Our Fundamental Constitutional Privacy Rights?

NFC Technology Makes First Appearance in Apple Devices

POSTED BY Benjamin Feilich Apple released its latest models in the iPhone family, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, on September 19, 2014, featuring near-field communications (“NFC”) hardware for the first time in Apple devices. NFC technology permits consumers to make wireless payments and transactions using mobile devices by waving their device over a… Read More NFC Technology Makes First Appearance in Apple Devices