Seeing Differently: The Legal Landscape of Mojo Vision’s Smart Contact Lenses

By: Meg Cotter   Mojo Vision’s smart contact lenses are not your typical vision correction aids. They are equipped with cutting-edge technology, including sensors, wireless connectivity, and data processing capabilities, turning your eyeballs into augmented reality (AR) displays. Through their use, people may access a wealth of information in real-time, from navigation assistance to biometric… Read More Seeing Differently: The Legal Landscape of Mojo Vision’s Smart Contact Lenses

Meta Pixel: Collegiate Sports Fans Fighting for Their Privacy

By: Erin Gray   The release of Meta by Facebook in October of 2021 introduced another way in which Facebook may connect and increase interactions amongst people and companies across the globe.  Like other online software, the “metaverse” creates virtual spaces where people can “create and explore” with others who can’t be in the same… Read More Meta Pixel: Collegiate Sports Fans Fighting for Their Privacy

The FireEye Breach: An Aftermath of Worldwide Victims and a Push for a Federal Disclosure Law

FireEye, a $3.5 billion company that helps its customers respond to sophisticated cyberattacks, was attacked itself when its software was breached and its data was infiltrated by a nation with “top-tier offensive capabilities.” FireEye reacted quickly – the company discovered the breach, disclosed of it to the proper authorities, brought in experts to help with the investigation, and provided their customers with information on how to detect and block the attack. The current recourse and response however, is just a band aid and ultimately, the Biden Administration needs to coordinate not only with FireEye, but other prominent cybersecurity firms to develop a federal disclosure law that would require all companies to report the existence and extent of any breach. While other possible solutions exist to combat unlawful and offensive cyberattacks, it is the job of both private companies and the government to fend off such attacks.… Read More The FireEye Breach: An Aftermath of Worldwide Victims and a Push for a Federal Disclosure Law

New York State Department of Financial Services Proposes Cybersecurity Regulation for Financial Services Companies

The New York State Department of Financial Services recently came out with a proposed cybersecurity regulation for financial services companies. On February 16, 2017, the state of New York finalized the proposed regulation and the cybersecurity program is set to go into effect March 1, 2017.
Read More New York State Department of Financial Services Proposes Cybersecurity Regulation for Financial Services Companies

White House Makes Protecting Digital Infrastructure a Priority

POSTED BY Anthony Gatto   This blogger recently has been focusing his topics on the ongoing threats to data privacy and cyberterrorism. And why shouldn’t I? Just take a look at the Heritage Foundation’s list of companies hit by cyberterrorists in 2014:   Niemen Marcus Michael’s Yahoo! AT&T eBay Public Works company (Homeland Security would not… Read More White House Makes Protecting Digital Infrastructure a Priority