Carbon Capture Technology: The Latest Hope in the Battle Against Climate Change

By: Will Schena To combat climate change, policy makers have tried a variety of different approaches to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Over the last three years, however, the U.S. Department of Energy has invested over $1 billion in carbon capture technology. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that reducing emissions alone will not be… Read More Carbon Capture Technology: The Latest Hope in the Battle Against Climate Change

Federal Incentives and Intellectual Property: Propelling Solar Adoption and Advancements

By: Kiara D. Benac As the world gets closer to triggering the “tipping point” for global warming, the need for environmentally friendly green technology is undoubtedly apparent.  Although everyone at all levels can play a role in combatting climate change worldwide, from individual consumers to corporations to governments, federal policy must lead the way for… Read More Federal Incentives and Intellectual Property: Propelling Solar Adoption and Advancements

Is Net Zero Carbon Emissions By 2050 Feasible with the New Biden-Harris Administration Roadmap?

By: Karlie Rubin   Earlier this year, the Biden-Harris Administration announced its agenda to reduce America’s emissions in the industrial sector.  According to the fact sheet that was released by the White House, the industrial sector is key to tackling climate change issues.  In addition, this Administration is looking to advance its decarbonization technologies during… Read More Is Net Zero Carbon Emissions By 2050 Feasible with the New Biden-Harris Administration Roadmap?

The Clean Vehicle Credit: An Incentive or a Setback for the Electric Auto Industry?

By: Jacob Hartzler Tax incentives are a powerful tool utilized by the federal government to influence consumer and producer behavior in the United States.  Tax deductions and tax credits are two common such examples.  Generally, a tax deduction reduces the amount of income attributable to a taxpayer for a taxable year.  This thereby reduces that… Read More The Clean Vehicle Credit: An Incentive or a Setback for the Electric Auto Industry?