A Serious Outbreak of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is nothing short of an epidemic these days. While a vast majority of people today are addicted to cellular technology, the main focus when it comes to curing this epidemic is getting people to put their phones away before they get behind the wheel. This goal however does not appear to be aimed towards ride sharing services such as Uber and Lyft where the use of a cellular device is the crucial element giving them a competitive advantage. The topic of debate with regard to ride sharing services and distracted driving is really whether these companies should be more strictly regulated when it comes to cellular use behind the wheel.… Read More A Serious Outbreak of Distracted Driving

NFC Technology Makes First Appearance in Apple Devices

POSTED BY Benjamin Feilich Apple released its latest models in the iPhone family, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, on September 19, 2014, featuring near-field communications (“NFC”) hardware for the first time in Apple devices. NFC technology permits consumers to make wireless payments and transactions using mobile devices by waving their device over a… Read More NFC Technology Makes First Appearance in Apple Devices