Black-Owned Business during the Coronavirus Pandemic just might be saved.

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) pandemic disproportionately affected Black and Brown entrepreneurs, compared to their White counterparts. From February to April 2020, CNN Business reported there was a 41% closure rate in Black-owned businesses and a 32% drop in Latino-owned businesses. Meanwhile, White entrepreneurs experienced only a 17% closure rate. However, Black and Brown entrepreneurs have received unprecedented support from Americans outraged by police brutality and the tragic murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Ahmaud Arbery, while motivated to make a difference in racial injustice and economic inequity. In its efforts to promote equality and end racism, the Black Lives Matter movement has contributed to a sharp rise in Black-owned businesses ’ global online sales.… Read More Black-Owned Business during the Coronavirus Pandemic just might be saved.

Using the Black Lives Matter Movement as a Basis for Data Surveillance

The abuse of data surveillance is not a new concept in our technological era and remains a major concern during the current Black Lives Matter movement.  Government officials use popular social and political movements, such as Black Lives Matter, as a motive to track personal data.  These officials are using such events as a reason to “protect” citizens from any violent uprisings that may stem from the protests. … Read More Using the Black Lives Matter Movement as a Basis for Data Surveillance