Recycling Successful Ideas: The Unsatisfyingly Low Legal Standard for Originality in the Games on Your Phone

By: Bryan Sicard In case you haven’t seen your aunt’s Facebook page lately, Wordle has quickly become one of the most popular mobile games in recent years. But diehard game show fans would be quick to point out that Wordle seems virtually lifted from the game show Lingo: save for a few minor rule changes.… Read More Recycling Successful Ideas: The Unsatisfyingly Low Legal Standard for Originality in the Games on Your Phone

Vicarious Copyright Infringement Through Social Media Marketing

By: Lily Keene Increasingly, digital products are now a part of everyday life, opening the door to a new era of marketing.  With the growing popularity of social media platforms, many companies have shifted to various forms of digital marketing, including using social media “influencers” to curate promotional content for their brands.  Utilizing TikTok trends… Read More Vicarious Copyright Infringement Through Social Media Marketing

Curtailing Cosmetics Companies—The FTC’s Attempt to Regulate Social Media Influencers in the Age of Influencer Marketing

This blog will address the FTC’s attempt to prevent deceptive advertising that has been an issue in the beauty industry following the vast increase in the use of social media influencers to market cosmetics products. The focus of this blog will be on the highly competitive commercial space of the beauty industry and how this has led to the use of deceptive advertising practices from large cosmetics corporations to target consumers through the use of various social media platforms and popular influencers.
Read More Curtailing Cosmetics Companies—The FTC’s Attempt to Regulate Social Media Influencers in the Age of Influencer Marketing