Patchwork vs. Preemption: the Debate Over Data Privacy Regulation

By: Nicole Harvey Over the past few years, development in the artificial intelligence (“AI”) space and personal data collection both surged astronomically.  In fact, recent analysis indicates that approximately 90% of the world’s data was created in the last two years.  As a result, data privacy has moved to the forefront of American political conversation.… Read More Patchwork vs. Preemption: the Debate Over Data Privacy Regulation

TikTok: National Security Threat or Not?

By: Nicholas Tagg   TikTok is among the most popular social media platforms worldwide.  The site is recognized for its continually updated trending content, including dance challenges, life hacks/tips, and cute animal videos users never knew they needed.  It delivers endless hours of content tailored to your preferences, better than any other app.  TikTok boasts… Read More TikTok: National Security Threat or Not?

Turning Pixels Into Property: The Bill That Could Redefine NFTs and Cryptocurrency

By: Wade Shaver   Members of the UK Government have introduced a new bill in Parliament that would effectively classify cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) as personal property, granting them greater legal protections.  The Property (Digital Assets Etc.) Bill was introduced on September 11, 2024.  While the Bill faces various challenges, it represents a significant… Read More Turning Pixels Into Property: The Bill That Could Redefine NFTs and Cryptocurrency

Is Senator Blumenthal Throwing Stones at Glass Houses? An Assessment of the SAFE Bet Bill

By: Nicole Harvey    On September 12, Representative Paul Tonko (D-N.Y.) and Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) introduced the Supporting Affordability and Fairness with Every Bet Act (“SAFE Bet Act”) on the footsteps of the Capital.  The legislation addresses a broad range of issues related to sports betting, including safeguards against gambling addiction, predatory advertising, suspicious… Read More Is Senator Blumenthal Throwing Stones at Glass Houses? An Assessment of the SAFE Bet Bill

Accountability of Autopilot: Self-Driving Cars and Liability

By: Wade Shaver   Autonomous vehicles represent an exciting technological advancement, but this development raises serious safety concerns and legal questions.  Recently, a Tesla Model S car in “Full Self-Driving” mode hit and killed a motorcyclist in Washington state.  The driver admitted he was looking at his cell phone when the accident occurred.  In 2023,… Read More Accountability of Autopilot: Self-Driving Cars and Liability

Nuclear Meltdown and AI: How American Power Needs Have Increased the Favorability and Use of Nuclear Power

By:  Lily Wear   Constellation Energy has signed a deal to sell Microsoft power that will all go to a data center powering Microsoft’s AI tool.  The deal is set to recommission the Unit 1 reactor at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania which has been closed since 2019.  The Three Mile Island power plant is the… Read More Nuclear Meltdown and AI: How American Power Needs Have Increased the Favorability and Use of Nuclear Power

The End of the Beginning? Geofencing Warrants Face Backlash from 5th Circuit

By: Stephen Edelblut   Recent developments from both Google and the Fifth Circuit continue to limit law enforcement’s ability to use geofencing technology—warrants that allow law enforcement to request location data for all devices within a defined area and time frame—to identify suspects.  Geofence warrants represent a new and increasingly utilized tool in law enforcement… Read More The End of the Beginning? Geofencing Warrants Face Backlash from 5th Circuit

Super Babies Save the Day, Freeing “Super Heroes” From Marvel and DC Comics

By: Henry Carrington   Marvel and DC Comics, two titans of the industry united for a common goal: to protect their trademarks on the terms “Super Hero” and “Super Heroes.”  For years the two competitors have teamed up to prevent artists and authors from using the terms in their own stories.  This was until Superbabies… Read More Super Babies Save the Day, Freeing “Super Heroes” From Marvel and DC Comics

The Positive Addition of AI in the Classroom

By: Sofi Shlepakov On January 5, 2024, the Florida House of Representatives filed the first draft of the Education Bill, discussing awarding grants to school districts to introduce artificial intelligence (“AI”) for students.  AI has been a helpful tool for increasing inclusiveness for students with disabilities and teachers.  Beyond schools, AI also helps individuals with… Read More The Positive Addition of AI in the Classroom

‘EvenUp’ Is Setting the Stage for Investments in Legal Technology at $1B Valuation

By: Anamaria Pananas The legal industry has been slow to adapt to the digital age.  Many legal professionals are skeptical about straying away from tradition.  However, legal AI startups are currently making big waves, signaling a culture change in the industry.  A study done this year reported that over 70% of legal professionals trust AI… Read More ‘EvenUp’ Is Setting the Stage for Investments in Legal Technology at $1B Valuation

AI in Elections: How the “DonBot” is Changing the U.S. Political & Regulatory Landscape

By: Samuel Scott Technology is the future of everything, and more recently, technological innovation has made its way into the headlines of this election season.  An independent Congressional candidate, Bentley Hensel is challenging decade-long tenured democrat Don Beyer in Virginia’s 8th District for a seat in the United States House of Representatives.  The four candidates… Read More AI in Elections: How the “DonBot” is Changing the U.S. Political & Regulatory Landscape

Securing Our Homes, Surrendering Our Privacy: The Legal Risks of Smart Surveillance

By: Nicholas Tagg Over the last two decades, the prevalence and ease of use of home video security systems have exploded.  These security systems have allowed people to surveil their homes better and more cheaply than ever.  As of 2024, about 72% of homes have at least one type of security device.  In addition, when… Read More Securing Our Homes, Surrendering Our Privacy: The Legal Risks of Smart Surveillance

Trademark Tacking: The Continuum of Brand Identity

By: Kelsey Shaughnessy We are constantly surrounded by brands, and their names, logos, and product packaging, in our daily lives.  Brands use their trademarks to get our attention, shock us, and create humor, to be memorable to a consumer.  Trademarks are vital to brand identity; encompassing tangible and intangible elements, like the history and personality,… Read More Trademark Tacking: The Continuum of Brand Identity

I Can Buy Myself Flowers, But Is It Fair to Use Them? The Copyright Clash Over Miley Cyrus’s ‘Flowers’

By: Brianna Marquinez Miley Cyrus, international pop star, was sued in September 2024 for copyright infringement regarding her Grammy-award winning single “Flowers” because it contains conspicuous similarities to the track “When I Was Your Man” by Bruno Mars.  The lawsuit alleges that Cyrus’ song encompasses the impermissible exploitation of numerous elements from Mars’ song, revealing… Read More I Can Buy Myself Flowers, But Is It Fair to Use Them? The Copyright Clash Over Miley Cyrus’s ‘Flowers’

Cleared for Takeoff: How New Drone Regulations Are Reshaping the Skies

By: Noah Plafker Twenty years ago, if you were told that you could own and operate your own flying robot, you would have laughed.  However, today, virtually anyone can purchase a drone, otherwise known as an unmanned aircraft system (“UAS”).  Initially, drones were associated with the military, primarily being used for intelligence gathering and as… Read More Cleared for Takeoff: How New Drone Regulations Are Reshaping the Skies

Visa’s Control Over Debit Cards: How the threat fintech companies pose to Visa’s dominance gave rise to alleged monopolization

By: Gor Bagumyan Debit networks, such as Visa Inc., offer a secure network for the transfer of money between a consumer’s bank and the merchant’s bank.  Merchants decide which debit networks to accept payments through and banks issuing debit cards decide which debit networks to make their cards compatible with.  In theory, the choice regarding… Read More Visa’s Control Over Debit Cards: How the threat fintech companies pose to Visa’s dominance gave rise to alleged monopolization

Teen Accounts: Will Meta’s New Update Sufficiently Protect Young Users?

By: Meredith Garrity On September 17th, 2024, Instagram announced the implementation of “Teen Accounts”, an update that addresses the growing concerns parents have about unsafe content their children consume.  This development comes as a response to the legal and public pressure Meta faces, culminating in litigation from over thirty U.S. states.  The lawsuit claims Meta’s… Read More Teen Accounts: Will Meta’s New Update Sufficiently Protect Young Users?

Powering the Future: How Google and Tech Giants are Revolutionizing U.S. Electricity with Small Modular Reactors

By: Evan Mason Google has announced a historic agreement to purchase advanced nuclear energy to support its AI technologies and clean, affordable energy goals.  This landmark deal, branded as the world’s first corporate agreement for electricity sourced from advanced nuclear technology, signifies a paradigm shift in the way big tech companies develop and power their… Read More Powering the Future: How Google and Tech Giants are Revolutionizing U.S. Electricity with Small Modular Reactors

Unlocking Minds: The Promise of Neurotechnology and the Challenge of Data Privacy

By: Grace Drost Microchips in the brain and mind-reading devices sound like something straight out of a science fiction film.  However, science fiction is increasingly sounding like reality.  Neuralink, a device designed to give paralyzed patients the ability to control digital devices through their thoughts, has successfully been implanted in a second patient.  Another team… Read More Unlocking Minds: The Promise of Neurotechnology and the Challenge of Data Privacy

Sue Anyone with a Click of a Button? FTC Cracks Down on DoNotPay’s Misleading AI Claims

By: Kerry L. Alvarez How comfortable are you asking for legal advice on the internet?  Do you trust the accuracy of what you find in your search results?  Now, imagine bypassing traditional legal fees and hiring an internet “Robot Lawyer” instead of a human attorney.  While this might sound like the future of accessible legal… Read More Sue Anyone with a Click of a Button? FTC Cracks Down on DoNotPay’s Misleading AI Claims