Analysis Paper-2

For my Ananlysis paper 2 i am going to conduct an interview with my roommate. I gave him a pseudonym Eric (since the name of his favourite movie character is Eric). Eric is from Russia. He is a student and studies project management at Northeastern University. He is 24 years old. Eric made his decision to come to the USA 2 years ago. In this December he is planning to go back to Russia. I chose Eric for my interview because he is not from the USA and there will be no problems communicating with him during our interviews.

According to the U.S. census bureau, there are 149 mln people who live in Russia. The most populated region is Central region. Russia is officially a dual-national state with more than 185 ethnic groups that live in the country. Russians and Tatars represent the core population of Russia.

In 2010 more than 1,501,301 people from Russia were obtaining legal permanent resident status in the USA. According to the Homeland Sequrity report, 1,514,783 academic students were studying in the USA by the end of 2010 year. 32,773 students from Russia were studying in the USA by the end of 2010 year.


Read the three readings listed under Week 4. You can bring your notes.
For Haraway’s article “Feminism and technoscience”, find out what her definition of technoscience is.
For Shaviro’s article “Supa Dupa fly”, be ready to answer the next question:
1) Lil Kim in her video boasts of her power over men. However, her video does not bear a feminist principle. Please explain, why?
And for Marchellus, be ready to answer the next questions:
1) Why was the typewriting in the beginning of the 19th century considered as a beneficial job for women?
2) Explain from the feminist standpoint how does the operator job differ from the job of a typewriter?
In class, you will do an in-class writing (10 minutes). You will be required to write 2-3 sentences. It is an openbook assignment so you can use the readings.

Christina Aguilera. The “Voice”

For my Analysis paper 1 i will look at the character of Christina Aguilera in the TV show called “Voice”. The show is a musical competition. Christina Aguilera is a coach who decides whether to work with a particular contestant or not. Besides Christina there are 3 more coaches in this TV show but all of them are male professionals. It will be interesting to analyze how Christina acts in exclusively musculine environment. Additionally the format of the TV show implies that all of 4 coaches will compete among each other in order to win the final competition.