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Train your Mind

Train your Mind

When you think of the training involved in running a marathon you most likely think of the physical aspects of it.  In law school, training your mind to “think like a lawyer” may initially focus on learning the doctrinal law. The physical aspect of running 26.2 miles...
Embark on a New Journey

Embark on a New Journey

The finish line is always moving or perhaps gets postponed.  Maybe there is no finish line.  Just when you figure out something or reach the destination you have been striving for, you often will face a new challenge and be forced to start over again on a different...


Just breathe.  It sounds so simple, yet it can be difficult at times.  Often when things get challenging, the first thing we do is hold our breath, increasing tension and stress.  When faced with a challenge along your journey, focus on your breath.  Breathing can...
Be Proud

Be Proud

Don’t downplay your journey or what you have achieved.  While it is good to be humble, be proud of your accomplishments.  You have worked hard to achieve them.  You had the courage to start the journey. Don’t be self-deprecating.  For example, don’t say, “I am not a...
Be Grateful

Be Grateful

When you are on your journey, remember to practice gratitude.  Be thankful for all you get to experience and learn on your journey.  Perhaps the journey has made you stronger. One of my spinning instructors asked everyone in the class to write down why they exercise. ...