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Set yourself up for success. There is so much we can’t control in our journey, so focus on what you can.  Don’t self-sabotage.  Get the right materials.  Perhaps you have read the book, The Wild, when the protagonist embarks on hiking the Pacific Crest trail by herself.  Before heading out she bought a huge backpack, hiking boots, and loads of equipment to prepare for her journey.  She wanted to bring everything she might possibly need with her but her backpack was way too heavy to carry.  Sometimes you can over prepare.

One of the aspects of marathon training I liked was how methodical and structured the training was.  I couldn’t control the weather but there were things that I could control that helped set me up for success.  I had to prepare by getting good sneakers and running clothes, as well as getting the sleep I needed for my muscles to recover, eating nutritious food to fuel my body and hydrating enough before, during, and after runs.  I also had to train myself not to go out too fast.  In addition, on the day of the marathon, I carried GU gels, gummy chews, and music to fuel me on my run, physically and emotionally.  My pockets were stuffed like the backpack described above.  I looked a little like a camel but with humps on the sides where my pockets were.

Manage expectations as part of your preparation.  Manage your own expectations so that even if you do everything right, everything that you can to prepare, even with a backup, things may not go as planned.  As part of your preparation you may also have to manage the expectations of your friends and family.  For example, you should let them know that your journey is a priority and thus, you may have to spend less time with them than you would normally like to do.

Preparation involves knowing what you can control and what you can’t.  Don’t waste your energy focusing on things you can’t control but rather focus on your reaction to it. For example, maybe you do not like multiple-choice exams and find out a law school exam or a portion of it is going to be multiple-choice.  One day of the bar exam is all multiple-choice.  Don’t spend your energy complaining about this format as you can’t change it.  Instead prepare the best you can to choose the best answers.  Don’t complain about the race course in a marathon, you can’t change it.  You can’t change the weather either.  Prepare the best you can to be successful on your journey by focusing on what is within your control.  Try not to stress about the things you cannot control.  Then know that you have done all you can