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Run Your Race

Run Your Race

Do not compare yourself to others.  In the movie, Miracle on Ice, the U.S. Hockey Team won the Olympic gold medal in 1980.  Before playing the Russian Team, the U.S. Olympic men’s hockey head coach, Herb Brooks, told his team to “play your game.”  The same is true for...
Ask for Help

Ask for Help

You are not alone.  While being independent is a great trait, you don’t have to complete your journey by yourself.  Running, going to law school, or any journey, can be lonely at times but remember family, friends, mentors, and colleagues want you to succeed.  You may...
Nourish your Soul

Nourish your Soul

Your journey can be all consuming but remember to enjoy it and nourish your soul along the way. It does not have to be spiritual.  What makes you happy?  If you had a free day, what would you do?  When was the last time you did that?  What nourishes your soul may be...


Sh*t happens.  Figuratively and sometimes literally (if you have ever experimented with ingesting a running gel you know what I mean).  Sometimes things don’t go as planned or don’t go the way you wanted them to.  Maybe what you had envisioned was not what occurred....
Find Your Strength

Find Your Strength

You are stronger than you think you are.   Both physically and mentally.  Once you realize your potential anything is possible.  You’re capable of much more than you can imagine. Everyone suffers from the Imposter Syndrome at one time or another.  Maybe you have...