6 thoughts on “Good Enough Parenting-Analysis Paper 3”

  1. Moss,

    This is a good paper. While there are some spelling and grammatical errors that could have been caught through more proofreading, what you have here shows evidence of critical thinking. You establish a connection between the concept of voice and the parenting approach described in the book. I especially liked the “peanut butter” example–this was a good illustration of a situation in which a parents’ approach to discipline can dramatically alter the behavioral outcome.

    One connection you make that I think could be a bit more clear is the one between “grrl power” and motherhood/parenthood. I wonder what the book says about letting children develop their own identities and personalities? With the “good enough” attitude, it seems like the book encourages a somewhat more hands-off approach, through which children (either boys or girls) are able to assert their own personalities and tastes regardless of gender roles/stereotypes. I think this would definitely tie in with the concept of “grrl power.”

    Well done,


  2. Moss, you did a good job in your analysis paper.

    You cite a sentence from Fair(2012) as the subtitle which is a good hook in your article. From your article, you give us an outline of the book which talks about how to be a good parent at the beginning stage of becoming a parent. I have to admit that your analysis paper is really an informative article. Because you implement a lot of information in the articles we read in class and connect the main points to your paper clearly. You make fully advantage of the concepts of first-wave, the second-wave and the third-wave to explain the author’s various viewpoints in your article. For instance, you mention that “grrl power” is similar with the third-wave feminism “mother power,” because mothers are able to keep their children out of trouble in everywhere such as home, school, with friends and other family member. Moreover, you establish a good connection between the concept of voice and the relationship between parents and children in the book.

    Even though the main idea of the book is a little bit complex, it is still organized well and explained the related arguments clearly.

  3. Hi Moss, I think you did a wonderful job on your analysis paper 3. You give a very good description of the book you pick. It feel like you have understand the gist of this parenting book from each chapter. I like you use three waves of feminism to make the connection to your book. Because you explain the main point of each wave and they seem have strong bonds. I like the example that you mentioned of the little children writing on wall with peanut butter. When I first heard the example during your presentation, I felt touch that instead of get angry the mother try to educate the kid in the right way with telling the correct thing to do. I also agree the idea of no spanking to the children, because physical punishment is just the wrong way to educate the children and it will leave the damage that will never erase in their heart. After reading the fourth paragraph, I found some misspelling ,but there is also a good idea of give the children confidence by telling them special and show the respect. I love this concept a lot. Overall, I really enjoy reading your paper, and I feel like I learned a lot from the example and tips in each of the paragraph.

  4. Moss,

    I like that you started off your analysis paper with a quote from your book. It ‘hooks’ the reader in to becoming engaged, and makes them want to read what you have to say throughout the course of the paper. For the content of the book, i thought it was important that you divided into three parts, but I do not think you need to state what each and every chapter is about because it is too much detail about the content of the book. I would suggest omitting that, then writing a sentence on what each section is about (i.e. what types of parenting are discussed) so that you have more room to illustrate your ideas, and connect them to the articles. I thought that it was important that you connected Rakow and Wackwitz’s article on voice to book, and more specifically, the communication between parents and children because this is an important aspect of parenting, and added strength to your analysis paper. Something important to add is avoid such long paragraphs. It makes the paper seem more lengthly than it actually is. Having the paragraphs shortened will help the paper flow better.
    Another strength is your connection of Edley’s article on working mothers to your book. You show that mothers can have both the career and be a successful parent, and this shows another style of parenting that has become more common, especially in the third wave of feminism.

    Great job Moss!

  5. Moss,
    As several people have mentioned, starting your paper with this particular citation from the book was a smart move. Of all the parenting books we’ve discussed in class, this is the one that I would actually want to read. You have distilled the essence of the book extremely well. I also love the quote “children spell love T-I-M-E.”
    Your paper is well organized and your writing is clear. The examples you chose to illustrate your points are always very fitting. Also, the connection between the authors’ parenting suggestions and the 2nd & 3rd wave of feminism are well made. The way you demonstrate what the author means by voice and how this relates to the article we’ve read makes perfect sense. I like how you also incorporated tone of voice.
    You did a great job using Chodorow & Gilligan’ theories to illustrate some of Fair’s points, such as women (and mother’s) issues with their sense of self, due to a society that judged them as incompetent or less valuable.
    You wrote an interesting, well-argued paper that shows depth and understanding. Great job!

  6. Hi Moss,
    You did a good job in your analysis 3. The video you showed in class was really funny and well selected because it directly related to your analysis.
    You explained “women-friendly psychoanalytic theory,” which I think very appropriate to connect your book and second-wave feminism. The example you used from the book is directly related to the theory, making your analysis good.
    Furthermore, you used the concept of “grrl power” in third-wave feminism to analyze your book. I think it would be better if you give a definition of third-wave feminism as well as “grrl power.”
    When analyzing how voice can be interpreted in the book. I wonder other than the voice between parents and children, does the new parents’ voice become more heard today?
    The last section is good. You give a clear conclusion on how voice and gender can be related to the types of feminism demonstrated in your book.
    Overall, you did a great job. The organization of your paper is perfect, meaning you strictly follow the guideline. Also, the paper shows that you have a comprehensive understanding of three waves of feminism. The quotes and examples are well selected and related to the type of feminism you choose.

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