3 thoughts on “Week 13 – Thur. 11/29 Powerpoint”

  1. Great team work! I really like how you used your ipad to reference your notes. Your presentation covered quite a bit of information. You both were extremely comfortable speaking and engaging the class. I liked the use of the hand out, the comedic videos and really enjoyed the poem at the end. Parts of the presentation were very fast moving. You may want to make sure the class is able to follow along and keep up.

    I find it extremely interesting that there is no name for someone who has lost their child. I also learned a lot about co-culture theory and the communicative practices. I’m interested in your personal opinions on the dominant co-culture theory. If you think these “dominant” groups still hold their status today and if so if these groups will continue to dominate in the future?

    My only suggestion would be to start the second part of the presentation with the “how to make an avatar” video. It would have given a great introduction and provided information to anyone who didn’t understand what an avatar was. Great job guys!

  2. Adam and Moss, thank you both for giving an outstanding presentation! I loved the picture on the very first slide (the painting where the mouth is covered with duct tape). I was also impressed by the choice of the Little Mermaid video – I had seen it many times and got a great kick out of looking at it in this new light. It was a great way to describe the issue of voice. Thank you for the handout on Co-Cultural Theory: it was a good class exercise (and it’s always best to use it than to file it away). The pictures and quotes for the Mothers of the Plaza de Maya complemented the reading very well.

    I liked the Modern Mom picture and the Natal Essentials video. Moss also did a great job at clarifying the distinction between avatar and cyborg. It was interesting that the video clip “the hungry games” touched upon a question that was not really addressed: if entrepreneurial mothers have full time jobs, raise the children, and take care of the household, what does the husband do aside from playing golf?

    You both demonstrated that you understand the concepts thoroughly and can easily find many great examples to relate these ideas. Great job, Adam and Moss!

  3. Nikki and Shirin,

    Thanks so much for the positive feedback. I’m glad you found Moss’s and my teach-in to be effective. The tablet was a last minute addition and I do think it worked well–glad you enjoyed it. Nikki, I agree that the presentation moved a bit fast at some points. It’s always a tricky balance, given how much material you want to get through, plus how nervous you can be sometimes when presenting!

    Nikki, you pose a really interesting question about whether traditionally dominant groups are still dominant or will continue to be dominant in the future. I personally think that, while co-cultural and muted groups are constantly making positive advances in society, it isn’t helpful to presume that they’ve “arrived” at being equal to the dominant groups. The problem is that these dominant groups created the institutions that continue to affect society today, and we can’t forget that those institutions still exhibit age-old influences of domination and inequality and still “mute” particular groups in some really problematic ways.


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