3 thoughts on “Sabrina: Iron Woman–Indra Nooyi”

  1. The function of the first paragraph of this paper is to introduce the character, and suggest the significance. I believe that Sabrina does well because she introduces the Indra Nooyi well and states her significance which could be seen as a Merit. At the end of the second paragraph, I had a good idea of who Indra was, and how the context of each show begins,without ever even viewing this show, which could be seen as a merit as well because one of the ideas was to introduce the character as if the reader has never seen the show. Along with this, the organization is strong in the sense that it is split up into six paragraphs, each vital in successfully analyzing the character of Indra Nooyi.

    The first shortcoming I viewed was the lack of defining words. The writer has to assume that the reader does not know every word that the writer is writing. For example, in paragraph three, Sabrina talks about a man-dominant business. I believe that man-dominant should be in quotations and that Sabrina could define that so that the reader can understand what that is. Another shortcoming would just be expanding and giving examples on the ideas that Sabrina mentions. For example, the fourth paragraph talks about how Indra can be seen as an operator, but why can she be seen as that? There is one sentence at the end, but it is broad and I would just suggest giving a couple more sentences to strengthen the support of that paragraph.

    What I learned is that Indra is a strong, successful feminist who can be viewed as an operator. This analysis paper was overall done in the correct format.

  2. Indra Nooyi is a strong example of a powerful woman in soceity and the workplace. I am not familiar with the show or Indra, and your introduction helped me gain an understanding of who she is and of the general overview of the paper.

    McRobbie was a good article to relate Indra to since McRobbie advocates for equality between men and women. Indra is a clear example of how women can be successful in the workplace and society. On the subject of workplace, the office wife article was also a great relation to Indra for she is the CEO of one of the biggest corporations in America. Overall, good use of the class articles and you did a good job relating them to Indra and her job. In McRobbie, I think it would be important to expand more on why the author is advocating for equality and her views on men, business, and power.

    I enjoyed reading about the peer-reviewed article for it describes women are inspiring business and creating oppurtunities around the world. In comparison to Indra, she is a very inspiring person and is a crucial role model to women everywhere.

    The presentation was good, it was professional for it highlighted who Indra is and what her job entails. Some changes that would have bettered the presentation would include a better explanation of how Indra is relevent to the articles that we read in class and how is making a difference and inspiring women globally.

    Overall, excellent paper and presentation. It followed the format and the articles related well to Indra.

  3. Sabrina, you did a great job explaining the program and introducing Indra Nooyi as a strong example of post-feminism. You understood the assigned readings very well and referenced articles that fit your topic, especially the comparisons made in Office Machine, Office Wife. As you point out, Nooyi is clearly more of the operator than the typewriter, as she is more independent and demands more respect in the business world.

    The additional peer reviewed article, Leading With CARE: How Women Around the World Are Inspiring Businesses, Empowering Communities, and Creating Opportunity, provided great insight into how women are overcoming challenges. It would be nice to know how a specific story from the article can be related to Nooyi’s experience, or possibly relating some of the five perspectives directly to Nooyi in terms of post-feminist theory.

    Not being familiar with Yang Lan One on One, selecting a interview based talk show for analysis can be difficult because the experiences are true, not fictionalized and exaggerated stereotypes, as the are in Futurama. The overall content of the paper follows the assignment. The only thing I think could add to the discussion is including Yang Lan in the analysis as an example of post-feminism, as well.

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